ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ:ᱢᱩᱬᱩᱛ ᱥᱟᱦᱴᱟ

(ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ:Main Page ᱠᱷᱚᱱ ᱟᱹᱪᱩᱨ ᱦᱮᱡᱠᱟᱱᱟ)

Bold text'--2A00:23C7:DB01:4A01:9D12:719F:7E4C:2E4D ᱑᱕:᱑᱖, ᱖ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Italic textᱠᱟᱴᱚᱢ ᱠᱩᱞᱦᱤ, ᱯᱮᱴᱮᱨᱵᱟᱲᱮ (ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱚᱸᱰ) [[Reply


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Data templates

Element top images
Z Sym name
1 H hydrogen
2 He helium
3 Li lithium
4 Be beryllium
5 B boron
6 C carbon
7 N nitrogen
8 O oxygen
9 F fluorine
10 Ne neon
11 Na sodium
12 Mg magnesium
13 Al aluminium
14 Si silicon
15 P phosphorus
  • File:PhosphComby.jpg
  • Alt
  • Caption: waxy white (yellow cut), red (granules centre left, chunk centre right), and violet phosphorus
16 S sulfur
17 Cl chlorine
18 Ar argon
19 K potassium
20 Ca calcium
21 Sc scandium
22 Ti titanium
23 V vanadium
24 Cr chromium
25 Mn manganese
26 Fe iron
27 Co cobalt
28 Ni nickel
29 Cu copper
30 Zn zinc
31 Ga gallium
32 Ge germanium
33 As arsenic
34 Se selenium
35 Br bromine
36 Kr krypton
37 Rb rubidium
38 Sr strontium
39 Y yttrium
40 Zr zirconium
41 Nb niobium
42 Mo molybdenum
43 Tc technetium
44 Ru ruthenium
45 Rh rhodium
46 Pd palladium
47 Ag silver
48 Cd cadmium
49 In indium
50 Sn tin
51 Sb antimony
52 Te tellurium
53 I iodine
54 Xe xenon
55 Cs caesium
  • File:Cesium.jpg
  • Alt: Some pale gold metal, with a liquid-like texture and lustre, sealed in a glass ampoule
  • Caption
56 Ba barium
57 La lanthanum
58 Ce cerium
59 Pr praseodymium
60 Nd neodymium
61 Pm promethium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
62 Sm samarium
63 Eu europium
64 Gd gadolinium
65 Tb terbium
66 Dy dysprosium
67 Ho holmium
68 Er erbium
69 Tm thulium
70 Yb ytterbium
71 Lu lutetium
72 Hf hafnium
73 Ta tantalum
74 W tungsten
75 Re rhenium
76 Os osmium
77 Ir iridium
78 Pt platinum
79 Au gold
80 Hg mercury
81 Tl thallium
82 Pb lead
83 Bi bismuth
84 Po polonium
85 At astatine
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
86 Rn radon
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
87 Fr francium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
88 Ra radium
89 Ac actinium
90 Th thorium
91 Pa protactinium
92 U uranium
  • File:HEUraniumC.jpg
  • Alt: Two hands in brown gloves holding a blotched gray disk with a number 2068 hand-written on it
  • Caption
93 Np neptunium
94 Pu plutonium
95 Am americium
96 Cm curium
97 Bk berkelium
98 Cf californium
  • File:Californium.jpg
  • Alt: A very small disc of silvery metal, magnified to show its metallic texture
  • Caption
99 Es einsteinium
  • File:Einsteinium.jpg
  • Alt: Quartz vial (9 mm diameter) containing ~300 micrograms of solid 253Es. The illumination produced is a result of the intense radiation from 253Es.
  • Caption
100 Fm fermium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
101 Md mendelevium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
102 No nobelium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
103 Lr lawrencium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
104 Rf rutherfordium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
105 Db dubnium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
106 Sg seaborgium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
107 Bh bohrium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
108 Hs hassium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
109 Mt meitnerium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
110 Ds darmstadtium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
111 Rg roentgenium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
112 Cn copernicium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
113 Nh nihonium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
114 Fl flerovium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
115 Mc moscovium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
116 Lv livermorium
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
117 Ts tennessine
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption
118 Og oganesson
  • [[:File:]]
  • Alt
  • Caption

See also



'''''Bold text'-- ᱑᱑:᱐᱑, ᱑ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Italic textIrish [[Reply


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]] This is a page for discussing the Main Page of the Santali Wikipedia.
For general community discussions and announcements, please go to the page ᱣᱤᱠᱤᱯᱤᱰᱤᱭᱟ:ᱠᱷᱩᱴ ᱵᱚᱞᱚᱱ ᱦᱚᱨ.

Santal Wikipedia: Someone deleted main page


It's disappointing, someone deleted our main page from incubator (https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/sat/Main_Page). We created our pages and contents in roman/latin script.But now all the contents are disappeared.How the admins made it? Not only from incubator but also from the translate wiki same things are done! It's notable that Santal language have five written scripts (according to Wikipedia) and roman/latin script is one of them. We need an urgent solution. Please help --Samar88 (talk) 15:53, 13 December 2017 (UTC)

Dear @Samar88, I can understand your concern but the greater concern should be to promote appropriate message to the world. For a single language multiple scripts are never welcomed and never healthy for integrity of its language and literature. Lets correct you that santal language never had five scripts of writing. When the Ol Chiki (ᱚᱞ ᱪᱤᱠᱤ)Script was not spread properly santal language was written with the local vernacular script. This time has gone. After the invention of Ol Chiki the own script of Santali language which is widely accepted and the Indian government has recognized the script where the majority Santal people are living and who have already accepted the Ol chiki as their own script. Education has been provided through ol chiki script in school, college and universities in India as well. At the various level of Government promotional work are going on in OL Chiki. However, Indian and Bangladeshi Santals are working together with this project (wp/sat) in the incubator for several months. They all are agreed to use the ol chiki script. Therefore it will be not fair to remain isolated and stay away from this mainstream ol chiki. For a single language using two home page in incubator is also not rational. Those who are well conversed with the roman and latin they can access the information in English. If we are truely concerned about larger section of santali people we must used Ol Chiki in Wiki. Let's join hand let's united and let's disseminate the information and knowledge which are true, which are welfare for the santal people. Sincerely we hope you will support us to create Santal Wikipedia. Ramjit Tudu (talk) 06:11, 15 December 2017 (UTC)

@Ramjit Tudu, Samar88: I wish to point out that projects (and tests) can and do support multiple writing systems. Ramjit Tudu, I must say that I get very nervous when editors say things like "the greater concern should be to promote [the] appropriate message to the world". After all, who decides what the appropriate message is?
Now, Samar88 had been gone for a long while, and I think the current test user community seems to be more interested in writing in Ol Chiki. Still, on my reading of the article at English Wikipedia, it seems that at minimum a large group of speakers uses Eastern Nagari script. So what happens to them?
WMF's goals are to make information accessible to everyone. If multiple scripts make information more accessible, then multiple scripts are desirable. (WMF's goals are not to provide you a platform "to promote [the] appropriate message to the world".) Accordingly:
  • I'd really like to see a full discussion of this topic conducted by this community, so that the community itself can decide.
Thank you. StevenJ81 (talk) (Incubator administrator) 23:19, 6 February 2018 (UTC)

Dear : @StevenJ81, I welcome and appreciate your suggestion and as a wiki editor I am always with the aim objective and spirit of wikipedia. Today across the globe wikipedia has been a great source of knowledge and information. The accuracy of information has been the reason for this wide acceptance and credibility. I may be incorrect and whatever information i share may not be appropriate but my sincere effort will be towards disseminate the best whatever I knows. so long as script is concerned it is welcomed if information will be well accessible to greater section of the community, if santals of Bangladesh has greater acceptance of eastern nagari for santali language then no issue. Let the santal community of bangladesh come up with eastern nagri for santal language. As we have some good numbers of editors from bangladesh santali language in olchiki script. Recently an International Santal conference was held at Assam ( India) and an International Santali Youth Writers Conference was held at Jharkhand (India) where intellectuals and writers from India, Nepal, Bangladesh had participated and presented their writings in OLCHIKI. So it is well understood that OLCHIKI has good acceptance in both BANGLADESH and NEPAL. Till now indigenous people has been not good education one of the reason is they had no own script, now a days kids are showing good interest in education because they have their own script and they find belongingness in the script. If in spite of that santal community of bangladesh are comfortable in eastern nagari and information is well accessible in that script then there is no issue but some opinion and comment must come from Bangladesh. Ramjit Tudu (talk) 07:12, 12 February 2018 (UTC)

Dear all, I agree with Ramjit Tudu, Santals in Bangladesh were in a transition phase to accept which script. Basically, Eastern Nagri is used for Bengali Language and Bengali People similarly roman is a universal script for the English language spoken in different countries. Amidst of all the Santals in Bangladesh were using both of this scripts for communication as no alternative were available. This acceptance was not because of choice but of compulsion. Now as the Santals in Bangladesh are getting aware of OLCHIKI they have accepted and loved it. Good numbers of writers in Olchiki are also coming out. So information will also be well accessed in OLCHIKI. When we can share information in one script for a single language why to adopt multiple scripts. Those who are interested in multiple scripts for a single language they must put a clear view what makes them necessary for that.--Subasmurmu (talk) 06:44, 12 February 2018 (UTC)

I do understand what you are trying to tell me. From Wikimedia's perspective, though, the question is not simply whether OLCHIKI is becoming more accepted in the community. And it is not simply whether conferences are now encouraging use of OLCHIKI. It is:
  • Do most Santals (at home and expatriates) use OLCHIKI?
  • Are there substantial groups of speakers who are more comfortable with (a) Eastern Nagari? (b) Latin alphabet?
  • Is most current writing now in OLCHIKI, or is much current writing still in other scripts?
Understand: no one wants to require any given contributor to this test to write in a script different from OLCHIKI. However, at the moment, what I want is an agreement that no one is going to automatically delete content that is written properly in a different script. If there are reasonably big groups of Santals that are more comfortable in other scripts, they need to be able to use this Wikipedia, too. StevenJ81 (talk) 18:32, 13 February 2018 (UTC)

Dear : @StevenJ81, I am welcoming contributors to this project and agree with your point that no deletion of any of the appropriate writes up for this project. I m also happy to give the information regarding your questions which you have raised are as follows:

- Most of the Santals are accepting Olchiki and using it in their daily communication like Facebook, email, WhatsApp etc. In addition, now the Olchiki is used in the Santali movies, Songs and Documentaries.

- Once there were people using not only Eastern Nagari or Latin alphabet but also Odia, Dev Nagri, Asomiya and Bengali scripts for writing santali , even those Santals who were brought up and grown up in south India were used to write in south Indian script for their communication. However, with the increase in popularity of Olchiki among Santals, Santal people started to love it and used the script. Way the every single letter has been named it created a strong belongingness among santals and became an identity of Santal people which further leads them towards unity.

- Present days most writings are found in Olchiki script. A huge number of Santali literature is being published alongside the textbooks for primary education even college and university courses are designed in Olchiki script. In a way it could be said that govt has taken granted olchiki script is for the santali language and the rest script were used for the short term purpose. Now almost all santals feels proud for their own script they dont have to relie on scripts devised for other languages. Thank you for your guidance and suggestions. Ramjit Tudu (talk) 17:28, 16 February 2018 (UTC)

I am also agree with Ramjit Tudu --Subas Murmu (talk) 16:12, 24 February 2018 (UTC)



I'd like to congratulate the Santal community of Bangladesh and India for making this possible. You guys worked hard over the years on this. Best of luck.--NahidSultan (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) 21:44, 6 ᱟᱜᱚᱥᱴ 2018 (UTC)

Congratulation. Jayantanth (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) 19:45, 9 ᱟᱜᱚᱥᱴ 2018 (UTC)

The on-wiki statistics for this wiki have not been initialized yet (that's why they're mostly zeros), but a Phabricator task has already been submitted to get that done. It should be done soon. To prevent misunderstandings later, please read mw:Manual:Article count and mw:Manual:$wgArticleCountMethod for information about how articles ("content pages") are counted. This wiki uses the default 'link' counting method. - dcljr (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) 00:38, 7 ᱟᱜᱚᱥᱴ 2018 (UTC)

Although the Phabricator task I linked to has not been acted upon, the regularly scheduled semimonthly recounting of all Wikimedia wikis (on the 1st and 15th of each month) has fixed the statistics of this wiki. - dcljr (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) 02:31, 16 ᱟᱜᱚᱥᱴ 2018 (UTC)

Mobile visual editor test


Please help translate to your language.

Hello all,

The mw:Editing team has been improving the mw:Mobile visual editor. They would like to test it here. The purpose of the test is to learn which editor is better for new contributors. This is a great opportunity for your wiki to learn the same. This is an easy test that requires no work from you. You can read more about it at mw:VisualEditor on mobile/VE mobile default.

What? The test compares the mobile visual editor and the mobile wikitext editor, for newer registered editors (<100 edits).

Who? Half the people who edit from the mobile site will start in the mobile visual editor. The other half will start in the mobile wikitext editor. Remember: Most editors are not using the mobile site and will not be affected by this test. Also, users can switch at any time, and their changes will be automatically remembered and respected. If you have already tried the mobile visual editor, your preference is already recorded and will be respected.

When? The test will start soon, during June. The test will take about six weeks. (Then it will take a few weeks to write the report.)

Why? This test will help the team recommend initial preference settings. It will help them learn whether different wikis should have different settings.

Switching editing tools is quick and easy on mobile.

How can I switch? It's easy to switch editing environments on the mobile site.

  1. Go to the mobile site, e.g., https://test.m.wikipedia.org or https://sat.m.wikipedia.org
  2. Open any page to edit (click the pencil icon).
  3. Click the new pencil icon to switch editing modes.
  4. Choose either "Visual editing" or "Source editing" from the menu.
  5. Done! You can do the same thing to switch back at any time.

If you have any questions, please leave a note at mw:Talk:VisualEditor on mobile/VE mobile default. Thank you! Whatamidoing (WMF) (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) ᱒᱒:᱑᱖, ᱓᱑ ᱢᱮ ᱒᱐᱑᱙ (UTC)Reply

Consultation request to Wikimedians regarding Universal Code of Conduct


Please help translate to your language.
Johaar, Coming across various critical cases and discussions, regarding the obstacles appeared in the smooth progress of different wikimedia projects, or the cases related to (un)intensional attacks for any user for his/her on-wiki/ off-wiki activities, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees has identified that, there is a need for a standard set of behavioural guidelines . These set of rules will be applicable to the movement as a whole, irrespective of languages, personal priorities, admins, bureaucrats, official employees etc.. Now, the Trust and Safety team is working with communities to start building those set of guidelines that will foster ethical behaviour, goodwill, and a good working atmosphere in the movement for all. For detailed information, kindly visit the meta page Universal Code of Conduct . For this consultation process, as a community facilitator, my job is to communicate with the community members , as the project highly depends on ideas and feedback from you all. Thus, I request you to share your thoughts and ideas about having a Universal Code of Conduct. It’s completely up to you how you will prefer to be communicated for this. If you need any more information about this or if we can do it in a group then just let me know, I will do the needful (Any survey or a dedicated discussion page) for this and if anyone is willing to go for in-person conversation, please feel free to reach out to me at cmishra-ctr@wikimedia.org.
Thank you! --Chinmayee (WMF) (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) ᱑᱓:᱕᱒, ᱒᱗ ᱢᱟᱨᱪ ᱒᱐᱒᱐ (UTC)Reply

usual hugs hash backchannel handed vs g hey yrs hee hee hee ha ha ha ha haBold''SuperscriptSubscriptStrikethroughComputer codeUnderlineLanguageBigSmall ᱑᱐:᱕᱘, ᱑ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Reply



DescriptionBold''SuperscriptSubscriptStrikethroughComputer codeUnderlineLanguageBigSmallᱥᱟᱬᱮᱥ ᱞᱮᱠᱟᱛᱮ ᱦᱟᱹᱴᱤᱧ@ 2A00:23C7:DB01:4A01:D10C:9BD8:D2BF:FC9 ᱒᱐:᱓᱔, ᱔ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Reply

Movie Monster 35.jpg


Mystery of the Missing Cell Phones 40.jpgBold''SuperscriptSubscriptStrikethroughComputer codeUnderlineLanguageBigSmallPuplantis 34.jpg@ 2A00:23C7:DB01:4A01:9D12:719F:7E4C:2E4D ᱑᱔:᱕᱙, ᱖ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Reply

The letters En-dot from behind.png


The letters En-dot about to beat up F.pngBold''SuperscriptSubscriptStrikethroughComputer codeUnderlineLanguageBigSmallOne caculator.png@ 2A00:23C7:DB01:4A01:412F:2459:7907:AF3F ᱒᱑:᱔᱖, ᱑᱑ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Reply

ᱛᱤᱞᱠᱟᱹ ᱢᱩᱨᱢᱩ


ᱛᱤᱞᱠᱟᱹ Fo Siddhu (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) ᱑᱖:᱔᱕, ᱒᱙ ᱱᱚᱵᱷᱮᱢᱵᱚᱨ ᱒᱐᱒᱓ (UTC)Reply

Srikanta murmu


srikanta murmu ᱐᱒:᱔᱙, ᱑᱘ ᱢᱟᱨᱪ ᱒᱐᱒᱔ (UTC)Reply



Santali 2409:4061:2B9B:BB85:0:0:63C8:F60C ᱑᱒:᱔᱒, ᱒᱔ ᱮᱯᱨᱤᱞ ᱒᱐᱒᱔ (UTC)Reply

Jharkhand ᱨᱮᱭᱟᱜ official ᱧᱩᱛᱩᱢ


Jharkhand ᱨᱮᱭᱟᱜ official ᱧᱩᱛᱩᱢ ᱫᱚ ᱪᱮᱫ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱟᱱᱰ ᱥᱮ ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱚᱸᱰ, ᱥᱮ ᱣᱤᱠᱤ ᱨᱮ ᱪᱮᱫ ᱢᱮᱱᱛᱮ ᱚᱞ ᱦᱩᱭᱩᱜ-ᱟ ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱟᱱᱰ ᱥᱮ ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱟᱱᱰ᱾Joy sagar Murmu (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) ᱐᱖:᱓᱑, ᱒᱓ ᱡᱩᱱ ᱒᱐᱒᱔ (UTC)Reply

ᱡᱷᱟᱨᱠᱷᱚᱸᱰ MT731 (ᱜᱟᱞᱢᱟᱨᱟᱣ) ᱐᱑:᱓᱘, ᱒᱕ ᱡᱩᱱ ᱒᱐᱒᱔ (UTC)Reply
  1. Van Setten et al. 2007, pp. 2460–1
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