ᱪᱷᱟᱸᱪ:Infobox India university ranking

ᱡᱮᱜᱮᱛ ᱵᱤᱨᱫᱟᱹᱜᱟᱲ ᱨᱮᱝᱠᱤᱝ
ᱢᱮᱱᱮᱞᱟ – ᱡᱮᱜᱮᱛᱟᱹᱨᱤ
ᱮ.ᱟᱨ.ᱰᱟᱵᱽᱞᱩ.ᱭᱩ (᱒᱐᱑᱙)[]1
ᱮ.ᱟᱨ.ᱰᱟᱵᱽᱞᱩ.ᱭᱩ (᱒᱐᱒᱐)[]1
ARWU (᱒᱐᱒᱑)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱡᱮᱜᱮᱛ) (᱒᱐᱒᱐)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱡᱮᱜᱮᱛ) (᱒᱐᱒᱑)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱡᱮᱜᱮᱛ) (᱒᱐᱒᱒)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱮᱥᱤᱭᱟ) (᱒᱐᱒᱐)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱮᱥᱤᱭᱟ) (᱒᱐᱒᱑)[]1
ᱠᱤᱣ.ᱮᱥ (ᱮᱥᱤᱭᱟ) (᱒᱐᱒᱒)[]1
QS (BRICS) (2019)[᱑᱐]1
Times (World) (2020)[᱑᱑]1
Times (World) (2021)[᱑᱒]1
Times (World) (2022)[᱑᱓]1
Times (Asia) (2020)[᱑᱔]1
Times (Asia) (2021)[᱑᱕]1
Times (Emerging) (2020)[᱑᱖]1
Times (Emerging) (2021)[᱑᱗]1
Business – international
QS (MBA) (2020)[᱑᱘]1
QS (MBA) (2021)[᱑᱙]1
QS (MBA-Asia) (2020)[᱒᱐]1
QS (MBA-Asia) (2021)[᱒᱑]1
QS (EMBA-Asian) (2019)[᱒᱒]1
QS (EMBA-Asian) (2020)[᱒᱓]1
Financial Times (MBA) (2020)[᱒᱔]1
Financial Times (MBA) (2021)[᱒᱕]1
Financial Times (MiM) (2019)[᱒᱖]1
Financial Times (MiM) (2020)[᱒᱗]1
The Economist (2019)[᱒᱘]1
The Economist (2021)[᱒᱙]1
ᱢᱮᱱᱮᱞᱟ – ᱥᱤᱧᱚᱛ
NIRF (Overall) (2019)[᱓᱐]1
NIRF (Overall) (2020)[᱓᱑]1
NIRF (Overall) (2021)[᱓᱒]1
NIRF (Universities) (2019)[᱓᱓]1
NIRF (Universities) (2020)[᱓᱔]1
NIRF (Universities) (2021)[᱓᱕]1
NIRF (Colleges) (2019)[᱓᱖]1
NIRF (Colleges) (2020)[᱓᱗]1
ᱮᱱ.ᱟᱭ ᱟᱨ.ᱮᱯᱷ (ᱠᱚᱞᱮᱡᱽ ᱠᱚ) (᱒᱐᱒᱑)[᱓᱘]1
QS (India) (2020)[᱓᱙]1
The Week (Universities) (2019)[᱔᱐]1
Outlook India (Universities) (2019)[᱔᱑]1
Outlook India (Universities) (2020)[᱔᱒]1
Engineering – India
NIRF (2019)[᱔᱓]1
NIRF (2020)[᱔᱔]1
NIRF (2021)[᱔᱕]1
Outlook India (2019)[᱔᱖]1
Outlook India (2020)[᱔᱗]1
The Week (2019)[᱔᱘]1
India Today (2020)[᱔᱙]1
Government colleges:
Outlook India (2021)[᱕᱐]1
Private colleges:
Outlook India (2021)[᱕᱑]1
Medical – India
NIRF (2019)[᱕᱒]1
NIRF (2020)[᱕᱓]1
NIRF (2021)[᱕᱔]1
Outlook India (2019)[᱕᱕]1
The Week (2019)[᱕᱖]1
India Today (2019)[᱕᱗]1
India Today (2020)[᱕᱘]1
Law – India
NIRF (2020)[᱕᱙]1
NIRF (2021)[᱖᱐]1
The Week (2019)[᱖᱑]1
Outlook India (2019)[᱖᱒]1
India Today (2019)[᱖᱓]1
India Today (2020)[᱖᱔]1
Business/Management – India
NIRF (2019)[᱖᱕]1
NIRF (2020)[᱖᱖]1
NIRF (2021)[᱖᱗]1
Business Today (2019)[᱖᱘]1
Government colleges:
Outlook India (2020)[᱖᱙]1
Private colleges:
Outlook India (2020)[᱗᱐]1
Pharmacy – India
NIRF (2020)[᱗᱑]1
NIRF (2021)[᱗᱒]1
Architecture – India
NIRF (2020)[᱗᱓]1
NIRF (2021)[᱗᱔]1
Dental – India
NIRF (2020)[᱗᱕]1
NIRF (2021)[᱗᱖]1
  1. "Academic Ranking of World Universities 2019". Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2019. Retrieved 21 January 2020.
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  23. "Executive MBA Rankings - Asia Pacific 2020". topmba.com (in ᱟᱝᱜᱽᱨᱮᱡᱤ). 2020-09-23. Retrieved 2020-01-22.
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  25. "Business school rankings". Financial Times rankings. Retrieved 2021-06-09.
  26. "Business school rankings". Financial Times rankings. Retrieved 2020-01-22.
  27. "Business school rankings". Financial Times rankings. Retrieved 2020-12-02.
  28. "2019 MBA & Business School Rankings Which MBA?". The Economist (in ᱟᱝᱜᱽᱨᱮᱡᱤ). Retrieved 2020-01-22.
  29. "Full-time MBA Ranking 2021". The Economist (in ᱟᱝᱜᱽᱨᱮᱡᱤ). Retrieved 2021-06-09.
  30. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 (Overall)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2019.
  31. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Overall)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
  32. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2021 (Overall)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2021-09-09.
  33. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 (Universities)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2019.
  34. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Universities)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
  35. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2021 (Universities)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2021-09-09.
  36. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 (Colleges)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2019.
  37. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Colleges)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
  38. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2021 (Colleges)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2021-09-09.
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  43. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 (Engineering)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2018.
  44. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Engineering)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
  45. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2021 (Engineering)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2021-09-09.
  46. "India's Top 150 Engineering Colleges In 2019". Outlook India. 13 ᱡᱩᱱ 2019.
  47. "India's Top Engineering Colleges In 2020". Outlook India. 29 ᱚᱜᱚᱥᱴ 2020.
  48. Pushkarna, Vijaya (8 June 2019). "Best colleges: THE WEEK-Hansa Research Survey 2019". The Week.
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  52. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 (Medical)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2019.
  53. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Medical)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
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  73. "National Institutional Ranking Framework 2020 (Architecture)". National Institutional Ranking Framework. Ministry of Education. 2020-06-11.
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